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2 min read
How to Have a Yin-credible Time! (Yin yoga poses)
Are you feeling a bit "out of yin" with your body? If so, I've got just the thing to help you get back in tune - Yin Yoga! Now, you might...

2 min read
Back on Trackasana: Twists, Laughs, and a Pain-Free Back! aka Yoga for Back Pain
Feeling a bit like you’re carrying a backpack full of bricks? If so, I've got just the thing for you - yoga poses for back pain! Pain in...

2 min read
"Yoga Unplugged: 4 Yoga Poses and a Pun (Yoga poses explained for beginners)
How are you doing? Ready to meet some warriors, dogs, and a triangle or two? If so, buckle up, because we're about to dive into the...

2 min read
How Legs Up The Wall Restored My Zen and Other Restorative Yoga Benefits (Restorative Yoga near me)
Are you feeling a bit like a tightly wound spring, ready to boing across the room at the slightest touch? If so, I've got just the thing...

4 min read
Finding Freedom: Empowering Women to Move Beyond Trauma
Unlocking Inner Resilience Through Trauma Releasing Exercise, Yoga, and Sound Therapy Introduction: Healing from trauma can be an arduous...

4 min read
That's a Stretch - The Role of Connective Tissue or Fascia in Healing
Connective tissue, or Fascia is a vital component of our body that plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being....

3 min read
Healing from the Inside Out: The Psoas Muscle and Trauma Release
The psoas muscle and trauma release. The psoas is one of the most important muscles in the human body. It is a deep-seated muscle that...

2 min read
Take it on the Run - Yoga for Runners
I can usually spot a runner in my classes, they look like they are in great shape, and have the tightest hips and shortest hamstrings....

3 min read
Trauma Releasing Yoga
Whether recent or ancestral, aware or unaware of we’ve all experienced trauma, and we all store some (or a lot) of it in our bodies. ​...
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