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2 min read
Back on Trackasana: Twists, Laughs, and a Pain-Free Back! aka Yoga for Back Pain
Feeling a bit like you’re carrying a backpack full of bricks? If so, I've got just the thing for you - yoga poses for back pain! Pain in...

1 min read
Wake Up and YOGA
Got 10 minutes after you wake up and want to set yourself up for a good day? Good to wake up your body, and your brain and boost your...

1 min read
Yoga Nidra
15 minutes of productive, targeted relaxation Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation, a method of Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses)...

1 min read
BYOR - Build Your Own Restorative Yoga Experience
Don't have time to go to a Restorative Class, or there isn't a convenient one you can go to? Not to worry, here is a build-your-own...

1 min read
Yoga for Anxiety
Yoga helps with anxiety in several ways. It offers specific techniques to reduce symptoms, short and long term. Because of its inward...
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